This guidance is to help you with the safe return to your Pilates class. It is or your safety and the safety of other participants and myself.
Arrival at class
If you arrive for class early, please wait in your car or in the car park until 5 minutes before your class is due to start. The door will be opened when I am ready, please do not attempt to enter until then. Maintain social distancing at all times. Do not congregate in groups.
Entering the buildingPlease keep touching of door handles and surfaces etc to a minimum. These have to be cleaned before and after class by me. Please also ensure you are wearing a face mask. This must be worn at all times when moving around the venue, once the class starts it should be removed. Please follow any one-way systems in place around the venue.
In accordance with Government Guidelines a distance of 2m square per person must be observed at all times.
When you enter the venue, you will be required to do the
- Sanitise your hands immediately on entering the venue/room. Hand sanitiser will be provided, but please feel free to use your own if you wish.
- Complete the Covid log with your name and declaration that you have not knowingly been near anyone with Covid and are Covid-free and fit to take part in the class. Please bring your own pen, as they will not be provided.
- You will be directed to your allocated area for the duration of the class. All spaces will be marked out; please stay within your area.
- Keep all of your mats and other equipment and all your belongings (shoes/bags) within your allocated area. Please try to bring as little as possible with you into the class.
- Should you need to go to the toilet before, during or after the class, please ensure you wear your face mask and go on your own, maintaining 2m distance from others.
- Anti-bacterial wipes will be available, feel free to use these to wipe down your equipment or anything else you need to touch if you wish. Please dispose of these appropriately.
Under Government guidelines there is no sharing of equipment. Please ensure you provide and bring your own equipment to each class – I will not have anything you can borrow. Should you wish to, please bring a towel or blanket to place underneath your mat.
Please ensure that you have plenty of layers on as we have to ensure adequate ventilation in the room during the class. Doors and windows will be left open when able to. Much better to be too warm and remove layers than too cold!
Wellness (and if unwell!)
If you feel unwell during class inform me immediately. If it is Covid-19 symptoms the class will be terminated immediately, and you will be isolated from the rest of the class whilst they leave (procedures are in place for this). If you feel unwell before you attend the class,
If you need to use tissues, please ensure that you dispose of them properly. Remember to: Catch It! Bin It! Kill It!
Hand SanitisersThese will be provided but feel free to bring your own to use during the class.
When the class has ended, please stay in your area. I will advise when you can exit the room. Please wear your face mask, ensure that you maintain social distancing as you leave and do not congregate outside the venue.
Please also sanitise your hands as you leave.
There will be an entrance point and an exit point. If these are the same, please ensure you leave as soon as possible and do not hold others up or create a pinch point where social distancing cannot be observed.
If you become unwell after class, please inform me as soon as possible so that I can pass any relevant information onto those who need it.
There will not be any cash transactions for classes. Payment should be made by bank transfer or PayPal at least 24 hours in advance or by credit/debit card at the class.
Classes need to be booked onto in advance to reserve your space, no walk ins will be allowed. Class numbers may be limited to ensure distance can be maintained. If you are unable to attend, please inform me as soon as possible.
For more information or any queries, please contact:
Louise Simms